Developer  /  API docs

EZ Venue official REST API v1 documentation.


This describes the resources that make up the official REST API v1. If you have any problems or requests, please contact us.


All API access is over HTTPS, and accessed from All data is sent and received as JSON.

curl -i

Blank fields are included as null instead of being omitted.
All timestamps return in ISO 8601 format:



The API uses access_token to authorize. Requests that requires authentication will return 403 Forbidden.

Basic Authentication

curl -u "username:access_token"

Sent through header

Passing a base 64 encoded username:access_token through the request header.

curl -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXX"


Many API methods take optional parameters. For GET requests, any parameters not specified as a segment in the path can be passed as an HTTP query string parameter:

curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXX"

For POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests, parameters not included in the URL should be encoded as JSON with a Content-Type of application/json:

curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic XXXXXX" -d '{"ref":"12345","address":"Somewhere in the middle, TX 1234"}'

HTTP verbs

Where possible, API v1 strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action.

Verb Description
GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST Used for creating resources.
PATCH Used for updating resources with partial JSON data. For instance, an Order resource has notes attribute. A PATCH request may accept one or more of the attributes to update the resource. PATCH is a relatively new and uncommon HTTP verb, so resource endpoints also accept POST requests.
PUT Used for replacing resources or collections.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.


Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 30 items by default. You can specify further pages with the ?page parameter. For some resources, you can also set a custom page size up to 100 with the ?per_page parameter. Note that for technical reasons not all endpoints respect the ?per_page parameter.

curl ''

Note that page numbering is 1-based and that omitting the ?page parameter will return the first page.

Note: It's important to form calls with Link header values instead of constructing your own URLs.

The Link header includes pagination information:

Link: <>; rel="next",
  <>; rel="last"

The example includes a line break for readability.

This Link response header contains one or more Hypermedia link relations, some of which may require expansion as URI templates.

The possible rel values are:

Name Description
next The link relation for the immediate next page of results.
last The link relation for the last page of results.
first The link relation for the first page of results.
prev The link relation for the immediate previous page of results.

Rate limiting

For API requests using Basic Authentication, you can make up to 5000 requests per hour, per access_token.

ALL requests are authenticated.

The returned HTTP headers of any API request show your current rate limit status:

curl -i
HTTP/1.2 200 OK
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2019 17:27:06 GMT
Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 3200
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1562003273
Header Name Description
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per hour.
X-RateLimit-Remaining The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
X-RateLimit-Reset The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.

If you need the time in a different format, any modern programming language can get the job done. For example, if you open up the console on your web browser, you can easily get the reset time as a JavaScript Date object.

new Date(1562003273 * 1000)
// => Mon Jul 01 2019 13:47:53 GMT-0400 (EDT)

If you exceed the rate limit, an error response returns:

HTTP/1.2 403 Forbidden
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:50:41 GMT
Status: 403 Forbidden
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1377013266
   "message": "API rate limit exceeded",
   "documentation_url": ""

Staying within the rate limit

If you exceed your rate limit using Basic Authentication, you can likely fix the issue by caching API responses and using conditional requests.

User agent required

All API requests MUST include a valid User-Agent header. Requests with no User-Agent header will be rejected. We request that you use your EZ Venue username, or the name of your application, for the User-Agent header value. This allows us to contact you if there are problems.

Here's an example:

User-Agent: My-Awesome-App

cURL sends a valid User-Agent header by default. If you provide an invalid User-Agent header via cURL (or via an alternative client), you will receive a 403 Forbidden response:

HTTP/1.2 403 Forbidden
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:50:41 GMT
Status: 403 Forbidden
   "message": "Please make sure your request has a User-Agent header",
   "documentation_url": ""


The lookup resource.

List lookups

List the available lookups of the client.

GET /lookups


Name Type Description
sort string What to sort results by. Can be either created, updated. Default: created
direction string The direction of the sort. Can be either asc or desc. Default: desc
since string Only lookups updated at or after this time are returned. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.


HTTP/1.2 200 OK
Link: <>; rel="next",
    <>; rel="last"
        "id": 3759,
        "batch_id": 159,
        "ref": "11990",
        "result": 0,
        "amount": 0,
        "street_1": "916 Nelson Street",
        "street_2": null,
        "city": "Elrama",
        "state": "IA",
        "zip": "32647",
        "lat": 40.2520683,
        "lng": -79.9249957,
        "notes": null,
        "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:58:04+0800",
        "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
        "formatted_address": "916 Nelson Street, Elrama, IA 32647",
        "results": []
        "id": 3758,
        "batch_id": 159,
        "ref": "11988",
        "result": 1,
        "amount": 0,
        "street_1": "139 Miami Court",
        "street_2": null,
        "city": "Allamuchy",
        "state": "UT",
        "zip": "46560",
        "lat": 25.7746226,
        "lng": -80.1949355,
        "notes": null,
        "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:58:04+0800",
        "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
        "formatted_address": "139 Miami Court, Allamuchy, UT 46560",
        "results": [
                "id": 1357,
                "venue_id": 17233,
                "area_id": 1798,
                "venue_county": "Miami-Dade",
                "venue_precinct": "Small Claims",
                "venue_efile": 0,
                "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:58:04+0800"

Get a single lookup

Get a single lookup by if you secured an id.

GET /lookups/:id


Status: 200 OK
    "id": 3738,
    "batch_id": 159,
    "ref": "11965",
    "result": 1,
    "amount": 0,
    "street_1": "9617 E Veum Plains Squares",
    "street_2": null,
    "city": "South Nolanburgh",
    "state": "TX",
    "zip": "64039",
    "lat": 31.9685988,
    "lng": -99.9018131,
    "notes": null,
    "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:57:11+0800",
    "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
    "formatted_address": "9617 E Veum Plains Squares, South Nolanburgh, TX 64039",
    "results": [
            "id": 1352,
            "venue_id": 2642,
            "area_id": 2025,
            "venue_county": "Runnels",
            "venue_precinct": "2",
            "venue_efile": 0,
            "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:11+0800"

Create a single lookup

Create a lookup through a POST request with the required fields.

The address parameter can either be an object or a string. For the object type, street_1, city, state and zip fields are required. You can provide the latitude and the longitude value to the address parameter if available. For string type, pass the formatted address.

POST /lookups


Name Type Description
ref string Client custom reference number.
address object string The address to search for.
amount int The suit amount for the lookup.
mapper_key string The key used to access the associated court venue mappings.


Status: 201 Created
    "id": 3739,
    "batch_id": null,
    "ref": "11966",
    "result": 0,
    "amount": 0,
    "street_1": "7586 W Howe Spur Alley",
    "street_2": null,
    "city": "New Aglae",
    "state": "DE",
    "zip": "27855",
    "lat": 36.4306716,
    "lng": -77.067959,
    "notes": null,
    "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:57:18+0800",
    "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
    "formatted_address": "7586 W Howe Spur Alley, New Aglae, DE 27855",
    "results": []

Batch lookup

Lookups created by batch are subject to Address Cleansing. To skip this step, you can supply the latitude and longitude for each address row.

Batch lookup requires the form data content type header:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

The API supports comma/pipe delimited files (.csv), .xlsx or similar data files.

You can also supply the mapping parameter to map the columns. The API will try to detect the correct mappings if not supplied.

POST /lookups/batches


Name Type Description
mapping object The mapping object
file @file The uploaded file.
mapper_key string The key used to access the associated court venue mappings.


Status: 201 Created
    "id": 161,
    "processed": 2,
    "exceptions": [],
    "filename": "BATCH_bg9ylFQ777GYLdnk.csv",
    "mapping": "",
    "completed_at": null,
    "created_at": "2019-06-15T16:23:28+0800"

Get a single batch

You can retrieve a single batch that was previously created.

GET /lookups/batches/:id


Status: 200 OK
    "id": 159,
    "token": "b83d308c7b23c8b8bd407892d3d230b67cbd68ffaa9e5bccd9b0379b71728d9a",
    "filename": "REQUEST_20190614_zPo3m02bFPA8ZSYw.csv",
    "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:58:04+0800",
    "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
    "actor_user": {
        "id": 1,
        "username": "lodev09",
        "created_at": "2019-01-29T01:11:56+0800",
        "name": "Jovanni Lo",
        "avatar_url": ""
    "mapping": null

List items from batch

List the items that were created for a batch.

GET /lookups/batches/:id/items


Status: 200 OK
        "id": 3737,
        "batch_id": 159,
        "ref": "11964",
        "result": 0,
        "amount": 0,
        "street_1": "742 Varet Street",
        "street_2": null,
        "city": "Garnet",
        "state": "KS",
        "zip": "40373",
        "lat": 40.703372,
        "lng": -73.937648,
        "notes": null,
        "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:57:11+0800",
        "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
        "formatted_address": "742 Varet Street, Garnet, KS 40373",
        "results": []
        "id": 3738,
        "batch_id": 159,
        "ref": "11965",
        "result": 1,
        "amount": 0,
        "street_1": "9617 E Veum Plains Squares",
        "street_2": null,
        "city": "South Nolanburgh",
        "state": "TX",
        "zip": "64039",
        "lat": 31.9685988,
        "lng": -99.9018131,
        "notes": null,
        "completed_at": "2019-06-13T16:57:11+0800",
        "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:10+0800",
        "formatted_address": "9617 E Veum Plains Squares, South Nolanburgh, TX 64039",
        "results": [
                "id": 1352,
                "venue_id": 2642,
                "area_id": 2025,
                "venue_county": "Runnels",
                "venue_precinct": "2",
                "venue_efile": 0,
                "created_at": "2019-06-14T00:57:11+0800"


EZ Venue API v1 is also available in PHP. You can download it here.